Foresight panel

A foresight panel operates in connection with the working group that coordinates government analysis, assessment and research activities. The panel coordinates the government’s joint foresight activities and serves as a cooperation network for the ministries in their work related to preparation of the Government foresight report.

Objectives and tasks

The objective of the working group is to consolidate the work and coordination of joint foresight activities in government. The panel communicates and liaises in government in matters related to foresight and participates in the formulation of the Government foresight report.

The panel and its members tasks are to:

  • advance processes related to foresight activities in their ministries;
  • coordinate the preparation of the ministries’ futures reviews;
  • communicate foresight information in their ministries and the ministry’s administrative branch;
  • identify foresight needs;
  • engage their ministries in the formulation of the foresight report in ways that will be determined separately; and
  • submit a proposal for each government term for coordinating the drafting of a description of the context of operations or other foresight work as the basis for the futures reviews of the ministries.

Composition (e-mail: [email protected])

Prime Minister's Office

Chair: Jouni Varanka, Ministerial Adviser

Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Johanna Ketola, Senior Researcher
deputy member: Maria Ågren, Senior Researcher

Ministry of Justice

Minna Branders, Chief Expert 
deputy member: Vava Lunabba, Head of Unit

Ministry of the Interior

Leena Seitovirta, Senior Specialist
deputy member: Hanna-Miina Sihvonen, Senior Specialist

Ministry of Defence

Terhi Ylitalo, Senior Specialist
deputy member: Marikaisa Tiilikainen, Ministerial Adviser

Ministry of Finance

Tiina Kevätjärvi, Senior Specialist
deputy member: Markku Stenborg, Senior Ministerial Adviser

Ministry of Education and Culture

Tomi Halonen, Councellor of Education
deputy member: Petri Haltia, Ministerial Adviser

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Elina Nikkola, Ministerial Adviser
deputy member: Pasi Valli, Ministerial Adviser

Ministry of Transport and Communications

Vera Kojo, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Development Planning

Ministry of Employment and the Economy

Tiina Tikka, Development Manager
deputy member: Seppo Kangaspunta, Ministerial Adviser

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health

Riikka Pellikka, Senior Specialist
deputy member: Pasi Pohjola, Strategy Director

Ministry of the Environment

Tanja Suni, Research Director
deputy member: Juha-Pekka Maijala, Senior Engineer

Permanent experts

Antti Pelkonen, Science Specialist, Prime Minister's Office


Vice Chair: Jaana Tapanainen-Thiess, Chief Expert, Prime Minister's Office
Ossi Piironen, Chief Expert, Prime Minister's Office
Venla Kuuluvainen, Expert, Prime Minister's Office