Team Finland network – significant progress made, but there is still room for improvement
Main recommendations of the evaluation:
• The development of the Team Finland network should be continued in a determined and long-term manner based on the current operating model.
• The strategic goals of the Team Finland network should be sharpened.
• The service promise and the service portfolio should be clarified.
• Co-operation and exchange of information within the network should be further intensified.
• Common Team Finland goals should be implemented more systematically in performance management.
• The Team Finland network abroad should be further developed based on the existing operational structures.
• Regional operating model of Team Finland should be further refined by disseminating good practices and clarifying the role of regional actors.
• Internationalisation services provided by private sector should be linked more effectively within the Team Finland network service portfolio.
• Investment and talent attraction activities should be more closely linked with export promotion.
• The evidence base for assessing the effectiveness of the Team Finland network should be further strengthened.
Team Finland network – significant progress made, but there is still room for improvement
06.06.2022- Valtioneuvoston kanslia
- Article Series of Government's analysis, assessment and research activities 19/2022
- Sivumäärä: 12
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