Food waste reduction by developing legislation
Food waste can be reduced by developing legislation
The food waste in the Finnish food chain amounts to about 400 to 500 million kilos per year. Some of this is caused by legislation. To date, more effective policies to combat and reduce food loss have been sought through voluntary actions. This study assessed the current national and EU legislation affecting the food chain and the factors that might cause unintentionally food waste. In addition, it was investigated what kind of feasible legislative changes could mitigate food waste. The methods used in this research were literature review on legislation and guidelines, interviews with authorities and actors along the food chain, as well as workshops.
The study identified legislative themes that were shared through the food chain as causing unnecessary food waste. These were the requirements for food labelling and the storage temperatures, which were brought to discussion by the food industry, catering services and the retail. In addition, the study identified a need for development in the food chain as follows: delivery time for the food chain information to slaughterhouses, EU crop classification in accordance with general marketing standards and restrictions of cooling the food already served in buffet. Moreover, the harmonization and clarification of the food safety control was not explicitly addressed as legislative, but as a major aspect throughout the food chain. Throughout the food chain also other aspects and non-legislative factors were brought to discussion.
- Lainsäädäntötarkastelulla ruokahävikkiä pienemmäksi
Food waste reduction by developing legislation
12.03.2018- Valtioneuvoston kanslia
- Article Series of Government's analysis, assessment and research activities 9/2018
- Sivumäärä: 8
Politiikka-analyysiyksikköSelvitys- ja tutkimustoiminta tutkimustutkimustoimintatutkimustoimintaruokalainsäädäntö