Future savings are accomplished today – focus on food environment of children and adolescents
The food environment of children and adolescents is shaped by adults and they are responsible for the dietary habits it brings about
Food environments are defined as the collective physical, economic, policy and sociocultural surroundings, opportunities and conditions that influence people’s food and beverage choices and nutritional status. The food environment should make it easy and appealing for every child, adolescent and family to make food choices of high nutritional quality and to adopt dietary habits supportive of wellbeing and health. We have the information and tools necessary to promote the food environment of children and adolescents. What we need now is action to put these into practice.
The project, implemented within the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities, outlined the current status of the food environment of Finnish children and adolescents and actions implemented to improve it, developed methods to monitor the nutrition of children and adolescents and to assess the cost impacts of food environment policy actions, and prepared policy recommendations for shaping a healthy food environment.

Future savings are accomplished today – focus on food environment of children and adolescents
04.02.2020- Valtioneuvoston kanslia
- Article Series of Government's analysis, assessment and research activities 9/2020
- Sivumäärä: 10
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